Our Goals
Our global challenge: one world, 7 billion people, many struggling to survive, 2.3 billion have never heard of the name of the King.
KTIF trains rural Pastors and Leaders in restricted nations.
Matthew 24:14 “…and this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
It is, therefore, God’s plan and purpose that every ethnic people group has an opportunity to hear and embrace the Good News of the Kingdom.
Our mission and goals are accomplished through establishing partnerships with the family of God worldwide in order to engage in transformational discipleship among the unreached.
The unreached are culturally unique ethnic groups who require outside assistance because they do not have sufficient resources or communities of believing family members to effectively evangelise their own people.
The goal is to make new disciples by training and mentoring leaders so that they can disciple new family members, enabling a generation of new leaders to be raised up and a movement of new fellowships to be birthed, disciple, and reproducing.
However, there is a problem!!
Many leaders are inadequately equipped to complete this task. There is great spiritual and physical opposition along with discouragement and loneliness.
There is a hunger to complete this task and for the Kingdom and His Word yet need encouragement, training, resources and support to fulfil it.
Strategy Development
The strategy is to run seminars for 3 days.
In the Seminars emphasis is given to key leadership principles, theological, and Kingdom Culture training.
We all work in restricted, developing countries and rural areas in the Asian region.
This is done by holding leadership type seminars or conferences and inviting pastors, church planters, youth leaders, and evangelists in rural areas, for teaching and training.
We prefer to select Ministries with networks that have NO other foreign contact and partnerships – so that the training will be accepted and completed without other foreign hindrance and interference nor doubling up.
It is done in a secret location and usually in an urban setting so that my presence in the country and amongst these workers is minimal for security reasons and also to avoid as much as possible the worldview of a ‘foreign’ gospel being introduced.
We travel in a small team to stay below the ‘radar’.
The visits are always done with purpose, planning and then accountability as to their application to ensure sponsors and supporters donations are used exactly for what they have been designated for.
Leaders are required to give ongoing reports and we all meet each year to review the material, provide additional teaching, provide pastoral care and oversight, and all are to give an account of the fruit of their labour.
Training the local workers is good stewardship as the local can survive on a low budget; it reduces the Gospel been viewed as a Western religion; the local worker can reach areas the Western missionary cannot; can preach, teach, and evangelise without being blocked by most of the barriers that confront Westerners – language, culture, going into rural restricted areas; it is reproducible and sees more fruit as opposed to the one-dimensional direct approach with the Westerner doing all the work.
This multi-location model is Biblical model that the Apostle Paul adopted.
He was an itinerant church planter who travelled from location to location planting churches. In some places he only stayed a few weeks or months, but he clearly functioned as an itinerant church planter doing short but effective stints. He never stayed more than 3 years in any one place.
Paul never worked alone, but always with a team or in conjunction with other workers, and always used reproducible methods of evangelism, teaching, preaching, and leadership.
Kingdom Training for Migrants and Refugees
In addition to training pastors, when we are not travelling, we are also involved in training migrant workers.
The changing face of globalisation sees a new strategy emerge to reaching the unreached.
Missions has now changed. It is no longer just the traditional model of training and sending a missionary into a foreign land. The world is now coming to our doorsteps. It is harder to obtain visas into restricted countries and get into isolated rural areas.
Diaspora refers to the fact of leaving one’s homeland and being on the move (voluntarily or involuntarily migration/immigration) of an individual or people group.
Diaspora Missions is the mission strategy and practice of emerging from the paradigm of diaspora missiology by ministering to diasporic groups (in evangelism, social services and church planting) and ministering through/by and beyond/with them. It is the training of migrant workers to mobilise them to fulfil the great commission.
They are usually international travellers, students, businessmen, tourists, labour migrants, and political refugees.
God showed us a vision of ants that referred to migrant workers and that His Word in the book of Proverbs refers to the life of an ant.
Ants are not noticeable, go under the radar, work in groups, hard- working, carry x amount of the weight of their body, are very mobile and get into places many cannot go and make a valuable contribution to the ecology.
Likewise, the migrant.
They go under the radar, work hard, get work visas into restricted countries, are self-funded, are able to do evangelism and plant churches and make a valuable contribution to the Kingdom.
There are almost one billion migrants worldwide today. Most of them get work in restricted access countries. This is a global phenomenon with both local and global implications.
It is changing the face of Christendom. There is also another shift happening. No longer is the West going to the East or the North going to the South – it is the exact opposite. The nations are now coming to us.
Within Asia, many new nationalities come to where we are based and this provides the perfect opportunity and safe environment to train up.
These migrants will plant churches in here, back in their own country when their work visas expire, or into new restricted countries where they are able to obtain work visas.
Jesus was a migrant and a refugee too.
He was homeless and itinerant – as were His selected disciples.
The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few. Raising and sending missionaries under the traditional is slow and oxen. Mobilising migrants and refugees on the move speeds up the command of the Great Commission.
Diaspora Missiology is not to replace the traditional missionary work – but an awareness to meet the new trends in globalisation.
The phenomena of diaspora presents missionaries and the church with great opportunities to study and strategise reaching: refugees, migrants, immigrants, students, victims of human trafficking by serving and evangelising with them to fulfil the Great Commission and establish God’s Kingdom.
These migrant workers come from many different Asian countries.
Acts 17:24-28
24 “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. 28 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’[a] As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’
Strategy Development
We hold training sessions for migrants/refugees in Kingdom subjects outside of their work hours.
This is usually done late at night from 9pm-12am over about 10 sessions in either a church or home setting or, in some cases, we have done all day on Sunday. Training is once a week.
Training Subjects
– Focus is on Kingdom subjects such as:
Core Subjects
Church Planting
Participative Bible Study
Declaration & Flags
Spiritual Gifts
Discipling & Mentoring
Prayer & Fasting
Praise & Worship
Open Heaven
Dreams & Visions
Prophetic Art
Trainees are required to go out and giveaway tracts
Share their testimonies, wherever, whenever
Start new house churches locally and in their own nations, when they go home
Conduct Participative Bible Study in their own house
Disciple another the way they have been discipled – Multiplication! (2 Timothy 2:2)
Upon completing the training and attending all sessions, the trainees are presented with a Certificate followed by a dinner altogether to celebrate.